When To Take Your Cat To The Animal Hospital

Posted on: 5 January 2021

If you are a cat owner, you know that they are very independent and sometimes even aloof creatures. As such, you may find yourself wondering if and when there might be signs that your cat needs emergency or urgent care at an animal hospital. Before you get too overwhelmed, get to know some of the times in which you should take your cat to the animal hospital for such care. Then, you know what to look out for in your cat's health and behaviors going forward. 

Your Cat Is Lethargic

Generally, cats can be quite active. They love to roam around the house, explore, play, and the like. Cats do rest a lot as well, but not all the time. Nobody knows your cat's unique behavior patterns better than you. So, if you notice that your cat seems lazier or more lethargic than usual, you may want to get them some care. This is especially true if the behavior continues for more than a day and if normal stimuli like the sound of the cat food being poured or the prospect of playing with toys do nothing to interest them. 

Cats shouldn't be completely lethargic, sleepy, and unresponsive to stimuli. If your cat exhibits this behavior, they could have many issues going on from an intestinal blockage to a mild infection. But, you just cannot know for sure what is going on or how serious it is without seeking swift veterinary care at an animal hospital. 

Your Cat Isn't Making It to Their Box

Cats are generally very clean animals. They typically do not like to go to the bathroom outside of the litter box as this creates a mess in their living area. If your cat has always been good about going in the litter box but is suddenly having trouble, you likely have an issue on your hands.

Litter box issues can be a sign of a few things. For starters, your cat may be upset about changes in their environment. For example, if you recently moved, rearranged furniture, introduced a new household member, or even changed brands of litter, your cat may be unhappy. One of the ways they express unhappiness is by urinating outside of the box. 

On the other hand, litter box issues can also be signs of UTIs or kidney infections. The only sure way to tell is to go to the animal hospital to get your cat checked out. 

Now that you are aware of a few of the times to take your cat to the animal hospital, you can feel more prepared to care for your cat if these situations ever arise in your household. Contact an animal hospital for more information.
