Three Things To Ask An Animal Boarding Service Before Trusting Them With Your Furry Friend

Posted on: 2 November 2020

If you're about to become a first-time owner of a dog or cat, you're undoubtedly looking forward to spending many happy years with your companion. However, like most pet owners, there will likely be times when it's necessary for you to travel without your pet. Even though there are many pet-friendly hotels and motels, these are actually better for overnight travelers rather than vacationers because they usually have rules against leaving pets in rooms, which makes it challenging to go sightseeing, shopping, or even to enjoy a leisurely meal in a great restaurant. 

Fortunately, animal boarding facilities provide pet owners with a way to enjoy vacations, go on business trips, or make last-minute treks to other towns or states during family emergencies. However, as a new pet owner, you may be wondering how to choose the pet boarding facility that's right for your canine companion or feline friend. The following are three strategies designed to help you make this important decision.

Visit the Facility

The first step in determining if a boarding facility is a good match for your pet is to pay the place a visit. Be wary of those that don't allow visits — this could be a sign of cleanliness or safety issues. Although very small facilities may not have posted hours, most will accommodate visitors during reasonable business hours if asked in advance. Signs that this might not be a good place to leave your pet include unpleasant odors, cramped quarters, and staff members who seems rushed or disinterested. 

Ask About Health Requirements

A good boarding facility will require that all animals are up-to-date on vaccinations. However, the industry is still largely unregulated in many areas, so it's best to ask about this policy instead of just assuming that current vaccinations are required.

Ask Your Veterinarian

The first place most modern consumers go when looking for recommendations for local services is to their computer to search for online reviews. Although these can be an important source of information, the best person to ask is your veterinarian. Also, boarding facilities often have a veterinarian on call, so your veterinarian may recommend one based on that — which is a great idea because it means your pet will have access to its usual vet if something goes wrong while you are gone. 

Finding a good boarding facility provides assurance that you'll be able to travel when necessary without having to make complicated arrangements for pet care or trying to juggle your pet's needs with your personal obligations and desires when you travel.  Learn more about animal boarding from somewhere like Marquette Animal Hospital.
