3 Common Problems Unneutered Cats May Have

Posted on: 14 April 2020

When you adopt a cat, you have a decision to make: do you spay or neuter them or let them remain fully intact? Before you make this decision, it's a good idea to know about some of the issues you could face if you choose not to neuter your cat. Here are three of them.

1. Spraying

Spraying is a behavior that cats perform to mark their territory. Unfortunately, it's terrible for pet owners. Cats literally spray a very smelly, potent fluid that smells like intensified urine. It stinks to high heaven and it's difficult to get out once it's in place. Your cat may perform this behavior at any time, but it will become particularly frequent during the spring and summer when neighborhood cats may be in heat. Your male cat will want to mate, and will likely spray more to "warn" any other cats that this is their turf, even if they're an indoor kitty who never goes out.

2. Injury and Infection

If your cat does ever make it out of the house, they'll be at a higher risk of getting hurt than if they weren't neutered. There's a couple of different reasons for this. The first is that your cat is more likely to stray further away. Male cats can potentially wander for miles in pursuit of a female to mate with, which can make it hard to find your cat.

But in the meantime, they'll also be warring with any male cats that they come across. It's very common for unneutered cats to be injured by other cats during these fights. As a result, your kitty could come home with bite and claw wounds, and these can easily become infected due to the bacteria and dirt on teeth and claws.

3. Cancer

Last but not least, if your hope for your cat is that they live a long healthy life, neutering is a good idea. Male cats can develop testicular cancer in their lives, which can become lethal. By neutering them, you completely remove the parts of the body that would be impacted by this disease, as well as reducing the amount of testosterone the body produces. High levels of testosterone can increase your cat's risk for developing this cancer, so neutering is a win-win here.

Cats can live very long, healthy lives after being neutered, and there are no major downsides to getting the procedure done. If you've made up your mind now, contact a veterinarian to set up the procedure.
